
It may seem that we're bugging you about DOB's first national convention and we are. We believe you will be missing a great deal if you pass up this gathering the first we know of to concentrate on the Lesbian and her problems.

Reservations are coming in from all over the country and indications are there will be a very good turnout.

Among the speakers who have confirmed are those who will discuss "Why the Lesbian?". Bernice Engle of the LangleyPorter Clinic in San Francisco will modorate the panel. Mrs. Engle has co-authored many studies on sexual doviation with Dr. Karl Bowman, former head of the Clinic.

Panelists will be Dr. Frank A. Beach of the psychology department of the University of California and co-author of the well-known book "Patterns of Sexual Behavior"; Dr. Norman Reider, head of the Psychiatric Clinic of Mt. Zion Hospital, San Francisco; Dr. Leo J. Zeff, Berkeley clinical psychologist, and Patricia Lyon of the University of California at Santa Barbara, anthropologist and archaeologist.

The above is only one portion of the planned program. The entire program will appear in next month's LADDER.

Activities will begin Friday evening, May 27, with a reception for out-of-town visitors. Saturday, May 28, is the main program cost $12.50 per person which includes luncheon and the banquet. A cocktail hour will be hold before the banquet.


If possible, reservations should be made in advance. A $5 deposit will suffice. For further information about the convention, housing, etc., contact DOB at 165 0'Farroll St., Rm. 405, San Francisco 2, Calif.

Incidentally, men are welcome to attend the Saturday cessions. Hope we'll see you all here in May.